Getting Ready to Try a Custody Case

Getting ready to try a custody case involves a great deal of time and effort, as well as emotional turmoil, for both you and your attorney. No aspect of a divorce case is more taxing emotionally, or requires more preparation.

Apart from your own testimony, there are witnesses to line up who have first hand knowledge of your child's activities, such as a teacher, a doctor who may treat the child whether for an emotional or physical issue, and other persons who have had first hand contacts between you and the chid, and can testify to the interaction between the two of you. These are just some witnesses who can help you win custody of a child.

It has often been said in the legal profession that preparation is 90% and presentation but 10% to reach a successful trial conclusion. No adage is more accurate! Not only should your attorney spend hours with you to get you ready to give your direct testimony, but additional time and care must be expended to prepare you for cross examination and the proper way to field questions. Since your demeanor before the judge is important to assess your credibility, you must put your best foot forward.

There is no substitute for such preparation.
